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How To Read Faster And Comprehend Better?

Learn how to read faster and comprehend better with Mark Manson's 5 expert tips.

Written by:

Samy Madani

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I’ve always loved reading, but let’s be real, who has the time to read everything they want? I used to get frustrated staring at my ever-growing “to-read” pile, wishing I could somehow speed things up.

Then I stumbled upon Mark Manson’s tips on reading faster and actually remembering what you read [1] , and it’s been a game-changer!

So, I thought I’d share the wisdom with all of you.

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Who’s Mark Manson, you ask?

He’s a super cool author and blogger who writes about life, self-improvement, and all that good stuff [2].

You might know him from his bestseller, “The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck,” which is packed with straight-talking advice.

He’s basically like a life coach who doesn’t sugarcoat things.

Mark Manson’s 5 Tips to Read Faster and Comprehend Better

Tip #1: Silence Your Inner Voice

Mark says we all have this little voice in our heads that reads each word out loud. It’s how we learned to read as kids, but it actually slows us down as adults. The trick is to train your brain to read with your eyes, not your voice. It takes practice, but it makes a huge difference!

Tip #2: Use Your Finger as a Reading Buddy

This one might sound a bit strange, but trust me, it works! Mark suggests using your finger or a pen to guide your eyes as you read. It helps you focus and avoid getting distracted, so you can read faster and stay on track.

Tip #3: Be Picky About Your Books

Mark’s a big believer in ditching books you don’t enjoy. Life’s too short for boring books, right? He says it’s okay to skip chapters or even abandon a book altogether if it’s not grabbing your attention. Focus on books you truly love, and reading will become a joy, not a chore.

Tip #4: Schedule Time for Reading

We all say we’re too busy to read, but Mark challenges us to find those little pockets of time throughout the day. Read on your commute, during your lunch break, or before bed. Even 15 minutes a day can make a big difference!

Tip #5: Read More Than One Book at a Time

This might sound crazy, but Mark says reading multiple books keeps things fresh and exciting. Try reading a non-fiction book alongside a novel, or mix up genres to keep your brain engaged.

Follow-up Questions

How can I silence my inner voice while reading?

Practice focusing on the meaning of the text rather than the individual words. Try using your finger to guide your eyes and maintain a steady pace.

What if I’m still struggling to find time to read?

Break down your reading goals into smaller chunks. Even 10-15 minutes a day can make a difference.

How do I choose the right books to read?

Explore different genres and authors. Read reviews and recommendations, but ultimately choose books that pique your personal interest.


Reading faster and comprehending more is within your reach. With Mark Manson’s practical tips and a bit of dedicated practice, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a reading master!

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  1. Manson, M. (2020, December 28). How to read faster [Video]. YouTube.
  2. Manson, M. (2024). About Mark Manson [World Wide Web]. Retrieved from
Samy Madani
Samy Madani

Samy Madani is a passionate personal development enthusiast and blogger with over 4 years of experience in building and growing successful online communities. Fueled by a deep interest in self-improvement and a knack for clear communication, Samy launched Snap Mindset, a niche blog dedicated to sharing insightful and actionable content on personal development and self-discovery.

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