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How to Read Books Effectively?

Learn how to read books effectively with Ryan Holiday's 7 essential tips.

Written by:

Samy Madani

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I’ve always loved reading, but sometimes I finish a book and realize I can barely remember what I just read! So, I went on a quest to improve my reading comprehension and learn how to read books effectively.

That’s when I stumbled upon Ryan Holiday’s insightful advice on YouTube. [1] As a modern Stoic philosopher and author, he has a unique perspective on reading and learning.

He believes it should be a meaningful and enriching experience, enhancing knowledge retention and expanding our understanding of the world, not just a way to pass the time.

Ryan HolidayPin

I was immediately hooked by his 7 simple tips that can help anyone get the most out of every book they read.

Let’s dive in and discover the secrets to effective reading!

Who is Ryan Holiday?

Ryan Holiday is a best-selling author, media strategist, and modern-day Stoic philosopher.

He’s written many popular books, like “The Obstacle Is the Way” and “Ego Is the Enemy“, that teach us how to use ancient Stoic wisdom to live better lives today.

He’s a huge fan of reading and learning, and he loves sharing his knowledge with others, offering valuable insights and book recommendations along the way.

Ryan Holiday’s 7 Tips to Read Books Effectively

Tip #1: Choose Quality over Quantity

It’s not about how many books you read, but about choosing the right ones.

Ryan suggests picking books by amazing authors, especially older books that have stood the test of time and offer timeless wisdom.

As Seneca, a famous Stoic philosopher, said, “It’s not about how many books you read in your life. It’s whether you’re digesting the works of the master thinkers.”

So, consider exploring book recommendations from trusted sources or your reading buddy to embark on a rewarding journey of intellectual exploration!

Tip #2: Make Time for Reading Adventures

We all have busy lives, but Ryan reminds us that we can always make time for things that matter, like developing strong reading habits.

If you want to read more, schedule some reading time in your day, just like you would for a meeting or appointment. As Ryan says, “You do have time. You’re just choosing not to make time.”

To improve focus while reading, put your phone away, find a quiet spot free from distractions, and get lost in a good book.

Tip #3: Find Your Reading Squad

Having a friend or mentor who loves reading can be a huge help.

They can recommend great books, offer different perspectives, and talk to you about what you’re reading, creating a shared experience of learning and growth.

Ryan learned a lot from his reading mentors, and as Marcus Aurelius said, “Just as reading and writing require a master, so does life.”

So find your reading buddy and explore the world of books together!

Tip #4: Don’t Be Afraid to Reread Old Favorites

Sometimes, rereading a book can be even better than the first time. As you grow and change, you’ll understand things differently and find new meanings in the words, leading to a deeper understanding of the text.

Ryan reminds us that, like a river, we’re always changing, so each reading experience is unique. As Seneca said, “We linger on the works of the master thinkers.”

So, pick up an old favorite and see what new discoveries await!

Tip #5: Turn Knowledge into Action

Reading is great, but it’s even better when you use what you learn to improve your life and make a positive impact.

Ryan encourages us to take action and live by the principles we discover in books. As Marcus Aurelius said, “Throw away your books; get active in life’s purpose while you can.”

So, don’t just read, apply those active reading strategies and put your newfound knowledge into action!

Tip #6: Become an Expert in Your Passion

If you’re passionate about something, read everything you can about it! Ryan believes that reading deeply in your area of interest makes you a more knowledgeable and valuable person. As General James Mattis said, “If you haven’t read hundreds of books, you’re functionally illiterate.”

So, dive deep into your chosen field and become an expert!

Tip #7: Appreciate the Gift of Reading

Remember, not everyone has the opportunity to read, so let’s appreciate this amazing gift and the access to knowledge it provides. As General Colin Powell said, “People die to get you the right to read. Am I gonna dishonor their death by not reading?”

So, pick up a book today and enjoy the wonderful world of reading!

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I choose which books to read?

Focus on impactful works, especially classics that have stood the test of time. Consider your personal interests and goals, and seek recommendations from trusted sources or your reading buddy!

How can I develop reading habits?

Prioritize reading as an essential activity. Schedule dedicated time each day, even if it’s just for 15-20 minutes, and eliminate distractions during your reading time. Building consistent reading habits will make it easier to incorporate reading into your daily life.

What if I don’t have a reading mentor?

Seek out online communities, book clubs, or reading groups where you can connect with other passionate readers and exchange recommendations. These groups can provide valuable insights and support for your reading journey.


With these simple tips from Ryan Holiday, you can transform your reading experience and unlock the true power of books.

Remember, reading is a journey of discovery, and by implementing these active reading strategies, you can enhance your understanding and enjoyment of books. Embrace the journey with curiosity, intention, and a thirst for knowledge.

Happy reading!

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  1. Daily Stoic (2023, YouTube video). How To Read Books Effectively (7 Stoic Tips)
Samy Madani
Samy Madani

Samy Madani is a passionate personal development enthusiast and blogger with over 4 years of experience in building and growing successful online communities. Fueled by a deep interest in self-improvement and a knack for clear communication, Samy launched Snap Mindset, a niche blog dedicated to sharing insightful and actionable content on personal development and self-discovery.

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