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What Are The Best Way To Increase Productivity?

Written by: Samy Madani
Fact checked

Ever feel like there just aren’t enough hours in the day? Like your to-do list is multiplying faster than rabbits? Well, guess what? You’re not alone.

We all struggle with getting stuff done sometimes. But what if I told you there were some secret weapons out there, used by the ultra-productive folks like billionaires, Olympians, and yes, even you?

That’s right, I’m talking about Kevin Kruse’s treasure trove of productivity tips, gleaned from interviewing over 200 high achievers. And guess what? They’re not all about working 24/7 (thank goodness!).

Here are 15 of the most surprising and actionable secrets that can help you conquer your day:

1. Ditch the Hourglass, Embrace the Minutes

Forget thinking in terms of hours. Successful people know every day is made of 1,440 precious minutes. So, treat them like gold dust! Schedule your tasks in 15-minute blocks, and watch your efficiency soar.

2. Laser Focus, One Task at a Time

Multitasking is a myth. Find your Most Important Task (MIT) for each day and give it your undivided attention for a focused hour or two. No distractions, just pure productivity power.

3. To-Do List? More Like Bye-Do List

Toss those endless to-do lists! Schedule everything on your calendar instead. This way, you have a clear roadmap for your day and avoid the stress of never-ending tasks.

4. Outsmart Your Future Self

We all make promises we break. To beat procrastination, think like a time traveler. Anticipate how you might sabotage yourself in the future (hello, Netflix!), and create a plan to stay on track.

5. Work-Life Balance is Key

Successful people aren’t workaholic robots. They make time for the things that matter, like family, friends, and hobbies. So, schedule that “Stop Working and Go Home” event on your calendar, and don’t be afraid to say no to work sometimes.

6. Your Notebook is Your BFF

Capture your ideas and to-dos in a trusty notebook. It’ll keep your mind clear, focused, and ready to tackle anything.

7. Email, the Time-Sucking Monster

Don’t let email control your day. Schedule specific times to check and respond, and resist the urge to constantly refresh your inbox. Trust me, your sanity will thank you.

8. Meetings? More Like Meh-tings

Meetings can be productivity black holes. Avoid them whenever possible, and if you must attend, keep them short and focused. Remember, your time is valuable!

9. The Power of “No”

Learn to say no gracefully. Not every request deserves your precious minutes. Focus on activities that truly align with your goals and say “no” to the rest.

10. 80/20 FTW

The 80/20 rule is your friend. 80% of your results come from just 20% of your activities. Identify those high-impact tasks and give them your best shot.

11. Delegate Like a Boss

You don’t have to do everything yourself. Delegate tasks whenever possible. Free up your time for the things you excel at and let others handle the rest.

12. Theme Days Rock

Group similar tasks together by day. Mondays for meetings, Tuesdays for writing, you get the idea. This batching approach keeps you focused and prevents context switching fatigue.

13. One-Touch Wonder

Don’t let tasks linger. Deal with emails, calls, and small errands immediately. It takes less time than you think and reduces stress in the long run.

14. Rise and Shine with a Routine

Start your day right with a consistent morning routine. Exercise, breakfast, meditation, reading – find what works for you and set yourself up for success.

15. Energy is Everything

Take care of yourself! Eat healthy, sleep well, and take breaks. A recharged body and mind are the foundation for peak productivity.

Remember, these are just tips, not rules.

Experiment, find what works for you, and most importantly, have fun along the way! With a little focus and these secret weapons in your arsenal, you’ll be conquering your to-do list and living your best, most productive life in no time.

Now go out there and crush it!

Samy Madani
Samy Madani

Samy Madani is a passionate personal development enthusiast and blogger with over 4 years of experience in building and growing successful online communities. Fueled by a deep interest in self-improvement and a knack for clear communication, Samy launched Snap Mindset, a niche blog dedicated to sharing insightful and actionable content on personal development and self-discovery.

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