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How to Manage Stress and Anxiety? (9 Practical Advice)

Written by: Samy Madani
Fact checked

We all experience stress. It’s a natural part of life. But when stress becomes chronic, it can impact our health, happiness, and our ability to simply cope with everyday challenges.

Dr. Eric Berg, a well-known health expert, recently shared a YouTube video offering practical advice on managing stress and increasing our ability to tolerate it. He highlights nine key strategies:

1. Prioritize Sleep: 

Dr. Berg emphasizes the importance of quality sleep for managing stress. When we’re sleep deprived, our patience wears thin and we become more irritable. He suggests avoiding blue light from screens at least an hour before bed to improve sleep quality.

2. Unlock the Power of Vitamin B1: 

Dr. Berg recommends nutritional yeast as a top source of B vitamins, especially B1, which he says can provide near-instant stress relief. He even recounts stories from his practice where nutritional yeast helped diffuse arguments between couples.

3. Stabilize Blood Sugar with Low Carb: 

Fluctuating blood sugar can wreak havoc on our mood and stress response. Dr. Berg suggests a low-carb diet to stabilize blood sugar and keep those emotional ups and downs in check.

4. Tune Out the News (Especially the Bad News): 

Dr. Berg advises limiting exposure to news, particularly negative news. Constant exposure to negativity can fuel fear and anxiety, making it harder to relax and cope.

5. Get Moving: 

Exercise is a powerful stress reliever. Dr. Berg reminds us that exercise increases oxygen flow and helps us physically release tension.

6. Embrace Magnesium: 

This mighty mineral acts as a natural tranquilizer. Dr. Berg suggests consuming magnesium-rich foods like leafy greens or enjoying mineral water throughout the day.

7. Soak Up Some Vitamin D: 

Known for its mood-boosting effects, vitamin D can be obtained through sunlight, fatty fish, or cod liver oil. Dr. Berg explains that vitamin D may also enhance sleep quality.

8. Explore the Ketogenic Diet: 

Dr. Berg suggests that the ketogenic diet, especially when combined with intermittent fasting, may lead to improved mood, increased energy, and better stress tolerance.

9. Seek Out Nature’s Calm: 

Dr. Berg encourages us to change our environment and connect with nature. Stepping away from stressful surroundings, even for a short time, can work wonders for our mental well-being.

These nine tips offer simple yet powerful ways to build our resilience to stress and live with greater calm and ease.

Watch Dr. Berg’s full video here:


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  1. Berg, E. (2020, November 13). 9 ways to manage stress and anxiety (Youtube). YouTube.
Samy Madani
Samy Madani

Samy Madani is a passionate personal development enthusiast and blogger with over 4 years of experience in building and growing successful online communities. Fueled by a deep interest in self-improvement and a knack for clear communication, Samy launched Snap Mindset, a niche blog dedicated to sharing insightful and actionable content on personal development and self-discovery.

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