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How To Get Back Into Reading? (5 Inspiring Tips)

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Many of us lose the habit of reading over time. But the good news is that with a few simple tips, you can easily get back to reading and reignite your love of books.

In this blog post, we’ll be sharing some inspiring tips from fellow bookworm Murphy Napier on her YouTube channel [1], perfect for anyone looking for practical advice on how to get back into reading.


Let’s dust off the bookshelves and return to the wonderful world of literature!

Who is Merphy Napier?

Merphy Napier is a book enthusiast and content creator with a passion for sharing her love of reading.

She has a popular YouTube channel where she posts book reviews, discussions, vlogs, and more.

Murphy Napier’s 5 Tips to Get Back into Reading

Tip #1: Read What You Love

Merphy’s first tip is all about ditching the pressure of “must-read” lists and embracing your own interests. 

Forget those dusty classics you feel obligated to read and explore topics you’re genuinely passionate about. 

As Merphy suggests, if you love documentaries, find books on the same subject. 

Obsessed with a particular movie? Dive into the book it was based on!

Tip #2: Try the “Movie First” Approach

Here’s a unique tip from Merphy: reverse the usual book-to movie route and watch the film adaptation first. 

This can be a great way to familiarize yourself with the story and characters before diving into the book. 

You’ll appreciate the additional details and depth the book offers, and it might even make you love the movie even more!

Tip #3: Discover Different Reading Formats

Merphy reminds us that reading isn’t confined to physical books

Embrace the world of audiobooks for multitasking moments, ebooks for convenient reading on the go, or even podcasts for a fresh take on storytelling.

Tip #4: Create a Reading Ritual

It’s all about making time for what you love. 

Merphy suggests dedicating a specific time each day for reading, even if it’s just 10 minutes before bed or during your morning coffee. 

Building a reading habit is key to rediscovering the joy of books.

Tip #5: Join the Bookworm Community

Reading doesn’t have to be a solitary activity!

Merphy encourages connecting with other book lovers online or in local book clubs. 

Share your thoughts, recommendations, and discover new books together. Engaging with a community can reignite your passion for reading and make it even more enjoyable.

Common Follow-Up Questions

Does Merphy have her own book community?

Yes! Merphy has two Discord servers dedicated to book discussions and buddy reads.
One server is open to the public, while the other is available through her Patreon.

Where can I find more of Merphy’s content?

You can find Merphy Napier on YouTube, where she posts videos every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
She also has a second channel for additional bookish discussions, which you can find linked in her video descriptions.


Thanks to Merphy Napier’s insightful tips, getting back into reading has never been easier. Remember, it’s a journey, not a race. 

Start with small steps, explore different genres, and don’t be afraid to abandon books that don’t spark your interest.

So, grab a cup of tea, find a cozy spot, and get ready to fall in love with reading all over again! Happy reading, friends!

Watch Murphy Napier’s full video here:

YouTube video


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  1. Merphy Napier (2022, YouTube video). Start To Like Reading Again.

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